Vehicle Repair Parts

Help the Armed Forces of UkraineAssistance in Purchasing Repair Parts for Vehicles for the 1st Brigade, 3rd Assault BrigadeOleksii Ponomarenko:“Greetings, dear friends. In May, we spent 55,134 UAH on repairs, maintenance, and painting. Additionally, our friends from SAB UA covered parts worth 11,404 UAH. During the same month, we received...

Repair of medical evacuation vehicles.

Help to the Armed Forces of UkraineRepair of vehicles for the 1st Assault Brigade of the 3rd Separate Assault BrigadeOleksii Ponomarenko:"Slava Ukraini! Wish you all the best on the upcoming holidays! Thank you all for your help to our unit. (more…)

Repair of cars.

Help to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.Repair of vehicles for the the 1st Assault Brigade of the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade (more…)