Fundraising 09.08.2024

We are launching a new fundraiser for the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

🚀 Fundraiser for the “Heavenly Avengers” !

One of the biggest threats comes from Russian reconnaissance drones such as ZALA, Orlan, and Supercam. They adjust artillery strikes, guide missiles, and collect intelligence data. You all remember how recently our ambulance numbered 433 of the 48th Separate Assault Brigade was destroyed by Grad rockets along with the stabilization point after being tracked by an enemy reconnaissance drone that directed the Grad MLRS.

This is one of the greatest threats, but we can deal with it! It’s time to help the Main Directorate of Intelligence clip their wings!

🔪 We are raising funds for an unmanned aerial complex “******” (we cannot disclose the name), a set of equipment for working with UAVs, and 25 FPV drones for it.

❗️ Fundraising goal: 1,600,000 UAH (approximately 40,000 EUR)

We invite large businesses and entrepreneurs to join our fundraiser. If you wish to contribute, please contact us, and we and the Main Directorate of Intelligence promise to show our gratitude for your support.

The fundraising amount is substantial, so every contribution matters, whether it’s 10, 50, or 1,000 hryvnias. Only together can we destroy them!

Support for the ZSU (Armed Forces of Ukraine):




Bank Transfer:
MTÜ SAB UA Reg.№: 80610178
Address: Estonia, Tallinn, 13620, Punane tn. 15
Bank Name: Coop Pank AS
Account Number: EE584204278623498908
IBAN: EE584204278623498908
Payment description: Donation